House Setup

Once eGeoffrey is installed and you can access the web interface, there is a very simple step to perform to setup your house:

  • logout from the "guest" user
  • login back as "admin"
  • go to "House" / "Settings" under "ADMINISTRATION" from the main menu
  • in the "House" tab, fill in the following:

    • Name of your House: insert what you like
    • Timezone offset: find the offset you need on and Insert the number into the field.
    • Language: leave it to "en"
    • Units: select "Metric" or "Imperial".
    • Latitude/Longitude: For the location of your house, click the link. If everything went OK, your location is given in two ways: DD (decimal degrees) and DMD (degrees, minutes, seconds). Take the DD values with two decimals. Insert the Latitude value into the field Latitude and the Longitude value into the field Latitude.

Leave all the other tabs are they are. Confirm the data by clicking the "Save" at the bottom right side of the window.