If you are looking for real life examples and step-by-step configuration guides, our community is publishing interesting HOW TOs in our Forum.
Please find a list of the most interesting ones below:
- Installing Raspbian from scratch onto a RPi3 Model B
- Install eGeoffrey and create a simple working system
- Make up a shared Shopping List in eGeoffrey
- Setup a simple weather station with eGeoffrey
- Give eGeoffrey your Google Home Mini voice
- Let eGeoffrey manage your alarm system
- Monitor your RaspberryPi health with eGeoffrey
- Get notified when an earthquake takes place nearby
- Have eGeoffrey keeping an eye on your webcams
- Let eGeoffrey manage your alarm system
- Control your heater with eGeoffrey
- Automate your workflows by integrating eGeoffrey with IFTTT
- Create a weather station
If you have put together something interesting and want to share with other users, feel free to post yout HOW TO in our Forum.