Web Interface Walkthrough

eGeoffrey's web interface is one of the multiple ways to interact with eGeoffrey and setup its accommodation; through the web interface, you'll be able to address the following:

  • See messages from eGeoffrey classified by criticality: information, warnings or, if it's something serious, alerts.
  • Display metrics, pictures from webcams, a to-do list, appointments, etcetera you've told eGeoffrey to deal with in advance.
  • Text eGeoffrey throughout the chatbot window.
  • Extend eGeoffrey's functionality by adding extensions to its new and empty accommodation.

The three main parts of the web interface are:

  • Notification Area:

    • eGeoffrey reminds you what the name of your house (top left of the screen)
    • saved connections for fast-switching between user accounts/houses (top left of the screen)
    • date and time in the house's timezone (top center of the screen)
    • notification messages classified by criticality (top right of the screen). The content of any new notification generated by eGeoffrey will also show up in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Main Menu:

    • username currently logged in and its icon (top of the menu)
    • icon (green if connected, red if disconnected) and eGeoffrey's gateway you are connected to
    • main menu, the place where you will explore everything eGeoffrey has to offer.

      • "Welcome": introduction page explaining who eGeoffrey is and what he can do

        • "Getting Started": introduction of eGeoffrey and useful pointers
        • "Chatbot": have a live chat with your eGeoffrey!
        • "Notifications": list of the most recent notifications
        • "Feed": the latest data and measures coming in from your configured sensors
      • "Examples": sample contents you can take inspiration from

      • "MY PLACE": user-defined pages
      • "ADMINISTRATION": admin pages (accessible only when logged in as an admin user) for configuring your house and eGeoffrey

        • "House": house-related settings

          • "Setup": House and web interface configuration
          • "Sensors": to manage and create sensors
          • "Rules": to manage and create rules
          • "Pages": to manage and create web interface pages
          • "Menu": to make your pages showing up in the menu and organize existing items
        • "eGeoffrey": eGeoffrey configuration

          • "Packages": list installed packages and check if they are up to date
          • "Modules": list installed modules, check if they are running, edit their configuration
          • "Marketplace": access eGeoffrey's Marketplace for installing additional packages
          • "Logs": eGeoffrey's logs
          • "Database": eGeoffrey's database status and size
          • "Gateway": get access to eGeoffrey's message bus
          • "Advanced Editor": manually edit any eGeoffrey's YAML configuration files
          • "Icons": icon library to select the name of an icon whenever this is requested by a configuration wizard
        • "Help": get help on eGeoffrey

          • "Docs": access the docs website
          • "Forum": access the forum
          • "Developers": access the developer website
  • Content display:

    • main area where the page selected from the main menu will be loaded.

When connecting the interface you will be automatically logged in as guest user (see the username in the top left of the screen).

If the one accessing the GUI is not someone eGeoffrey trusts (guest), it won't display that much info. However, if the one accessing is the owner of the house (admin), eGeoffrey will display all the information and will allow to change its accommodation to, potentially, provide additional services.


To log out of the currently connected user (e.g. guest), just click on the username in the top left of the screen, where an exit icon (the one with the arrow) shows up just aside your username.


The login screen request the user the following information:

  • Gateway: the eGeoffrey Gateway is the main door for accessing eGeoffrey. All eGeoffrey components connects and interact via the gateway, ragardless where they are running:
    • If eGeoffrey is installed in your local network, the hostname is the host or IP address where eGeoffrey is running and by default port is 443 and SSL is disabled;
  • House: an eGeoffrey instance can take care of multiple houses hence you want to specify which one you want to enter. House ID and passcode are eventually used as username and password for authenticating against the gateway:
    • If eGeoffrey is installed in your local network, by default the House ID is house without any passcode;
  • User: to each house can belong one or multiple users. By default you will be automatically logged in as guest user. The following two users are pre-configured:
    • guest / <no password>: guest user
    • admin / admin: admin user